No Longer Able to map connected board ("link to item") column in item creation automations

Thank you @mark.anley for the update. That is disappointing to hear. Fortunately, in this case, I was able to find a workaround (which I’ll share below). My bigger concern with this is the lack of communication from I think it’s imperative that changes to current features and sunsetting current features be communicated in advance so we can plan around these situations vs. uncovering them after the fact and scrambling to find a workaround.

The workaround that we’ve implemented uses an automation on both the lower level (project) board, and the Master board.

On the lower level (project) board: Using the same automation as before, we instead input the “project ID” associated with the project that we want to link to (vs. before, we would just enter the project item in the “connect boards” column.

On the Master Board: Using a new automation (below), we link the project item to the newly created item based on the “Project ID” matching

Happy to answer any questions / elaborate if folks need more information. This workaround is working ok for us, albeit it’s a bit more tedious than before, and also it uses up more automations and you’re only allotted so many each month.