Fresh user of, very pleased with the functionalities. We’re using a board to track projects statusses.
Our process has a fixed process flow, so steps can only happen in a certain order. To be sure our users don’t skip a step by mistake, I would like to make it impossible to skip a certain status.
Is there an automation that could make that feature possible?
While there is no way to restrict a Status columns use in this way, but you can force change the status to a previous state if other steps are not followed.
You can use something similar to this custom automation for example:
When Status 2 changes to something and Status 1is notDone set Status 2 to something
The exact variables of this will change depending on your terminology and workflow but essentially if the previous Status(Status 1) isn’t complete, it will force change the one that was just changed. You will need to make this automation for each Status in line after the first one.
Hi @jha - There is a new app in the Marketplace that does exactly what you described. It’s called Workflow and allows you to set required fields and structure your process: