Recurring processes, Template groups, Auto date

I need a way to create a template of a group or a board that has tasks that recur on a regular basis.
We used to use something called Process Street and it’s surprising monday can’t do something similar.
I’d like to just be able to add a clean Group with all the same tasks, set the start date and then all the other dates automatically fill in.
At the moment. I’m duplicating a group and having to delete all the files, dates and statuses associatied with that. On items and sub items. It’s very fiddly and surprisingly inefficient. There must be a better way.
Having a blank copy of a group on the Board seems clunky and vulnerable to error.

Hi Jay,

Harsh here from Fario Consulting

I would suggest that you start by creating a “Template Item” group. In this group, prepare your checklist item with all necessary tasks and updates.

Look into utilizing automations to duplicate the template and move it to the appropriate client boards at regular intervals.

It would be great if Monday could implement a feature to create recurring task templates that automatically fill in dates and details, simplifying the process. Duplicating and editing existing groups is too cumbersome and prone to errors.

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@ijemz, @abuislam
Please have a look at Advanced Templates
You can schedule the creation of items, subitems or whole groups on your board. Column values will be set according to your template definition. Due dates can be defined as values relative to item creation time.
Feel free to reach out if you need any help.

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Agreed, it would be great to have recurring tasks without having to look at third party apps/additional costs. We have to have so many workarounds/automations to be able to do something close to what we need, it makes the process more labour intensive than it needs to be.

Hi Jay, while the others input will solve your scenario, you can also create a Task Board with all the necessary tasks that needs to be done. Groups within your board will have New (top group), In Progress, Completed. Add an automation recipe that when tasks are completed, clear status column and move item to New group to make it look like a fresh item again. Let me know how it goes!

All the best,
Dan | Expert - Mindflows