Regular reporting cycles for external suppliers

Im new to and I’m struggling to set up a board, or find a template that works for monthly, quarterly and annual reporting obligations.

We have suppliers that report to us at the time frames specified above but I want to be able to track when they’re due, send automation emails to them to remind to send, status update etc.

Id really appreciate some assistance if someone could recommend? thanks very much.

Hey Hannah Hicks

Welcome to the Monday Community…

we’can set up a custom board tailored for tracking monthly, quarterly, and annual reporting obligations from your suppliers. The board will feature columns for due dates, status updates, and automated reminders. We’ll use’s powerful automation tools to send out reminder emails to suppliers when reports are due and update statuses automatically based on their responses.

The board will have:

  • Due date columns for each reporting period
  • Status columns for tracking report submissions
  • Automation rules to trigger email reminders and status updates
  • Custom templates for consistency across reporting periods

To set up a board for tracking monthly, quarterly, and annual reporting obligations, create a new board and customize it with columns for item name, supplier, due date, frequency, status, and notes. Use the Automations Center to set reminders that notify suppliers via email before due dates. Populate the board with tasks, update their statuses, and use views and dashboards for a clear overview of upcoming and overdue reports.

Hi @sachinkarma @HHCIP and others :wave:
Welcome to the community!

To get monthly, quarterly and annual reporting try out Time in Status app which helps to track time the Item has spent in each workflow status easily. So you can monitor how fast the Item moves between statuses.
You’ll get user-friendly data on the board in a few seconds.

With our app you can easily manage Work Calendars to track just the time it takes during business hours

Also you will be able to track how much time your issue spends in each status and much more by generating:

:chart_with_upwards_trend: And use charts to visualize your reports a sample of a certain number according to time range/item range, or a single item:

  • Pie Charts
  • Bar Charts
  • Area Charts

The app is also available in the format of board integration.

Start the 14-days free trial to try it out for yourself and share your experience with us.

Hope you find this app helpful,