Small Company Implementation

Hey All
New here to the Monday Community and using Monday in general!

Going through the onboarding currently and the training - so not quite sure how we will be using Monday internally yet.

Any small creative agencies (around 50 people) would love to chat and compare how you have set up your Workspaces / Boards etc.

Hey @Gemma_Pearce_Cygnus :wave:

Welcome to the community!

You may also find someone on the Facebook group for - there are plenty of sharers found there :slight_smile:

I’d recommend checking out some of the templates that has in the template centre. I’d also recommend getting your processes defined and written or drawn out. It can really help to make sure you’re considering everything and everyone necessary to your success.


Thanks for this.

We are struggling with simple processes that we have now and how this would reflect in Monday.

Things like; creating job numbers for each new job, attaching client information to jobs, adding purchase orders to jobs etc.


Hey @Gemma_Pearce_Cygnus

No stress! I’m sure we can help to point you in the right direction.
Shoot me an email so we can line up a time :slight_smile:
