We pay £50k a year, and are currently receiving a terrible service, over night, every single one of over a thousand forms has been reset to not save a draft, also our main site choice column has 5 choices not displaying on the form end only (1000s of forms), also some forms now have black backgrounds with black text, also the save as draft button has been switched off for every form at once, the problems this has caused us are huge, and yet 2 weeks later they hardly reply, and no suggested solution in site. anyone else here experiencing these issues??
I have also had stuff disappear from my boards and was thinking someone was being naughty. Glad to hear it’s not just us.
We have had to manually fix half of this ourselves 2 days of work at our expense for their errors. overall the service lately has been getting worse.
Hey there Wayne, thanks for sharing this with us here - this sounds incredibly frustrating and we’re really sorry for the experience.
I can see from your accounts support history that you were in touch with us recently regarding challenges with forms during the outage we had on the 4th of February. You can read more about the issue here on our status page log.
It sounds though, from your message, that your forms issue has been an ongoing problem - can you confirm if that’s the case?
Meanwhile, I’m connecting with support and your account manager to look into this further for you.
Thanks for your patience, Wayne.
I have asked to speak to someone in a more senior position to discuss these issues, but even my account manager has completely ignored those question in multiple emails, this is disgusting considering we pay £50k per year. I emailed 3 Monday representatives yesterday to say I manually had to fix the issues in the end at our cost, and 24hrs later I still have no response.???
Hi Wayne,
Can you share who you were in touch with yesterday? I’ll reach out to them as well.
Wow, that’s unfortunate indeed, I had experience some odd changes in the forms, like black background sometimes. But, apart of that, nothing more that I’ve noticed … I hope.
Best regards…
We had a similar issue and were told by Monday we had to recreate the form. They offered no other solution. Thankfully for us, it was just one form, but it still took at least half a day to recreate. I can’t imagine this issue with 1000s of forms - that must be so frustrating.
I couldn’t agree with you more!!! literally, over night. I contacted my account manager who escalated the ticket and still awful service. Infuriating!
so far it’s taken 2 people over 2 days to correct the forms manually, now we have to put in manually over 2 weeks of data from thousands of forms back into Monday. I have a meeting tomorrow, but not confident they will even listen and take onboard anything, as this is not the first time we have had issues like this with false promises.
it’s 3 weeks tomorrow and still they are investigating the issue, I had an issue with a similar company Jotform on Tuesday, 1 of our main forms we use for fire safety crashed completely, they had an engineer on a teams call so I could show them the exact issue in 25 mins, then followed up with a detailed message chain with pictures and videos, and it was fixed in around 2 hours. we pay this company £4k a year for enterprise. half the time we have issues i have called to find out the people i need to speak to are on a bank holiday for several days due to the country they work in, how does this help???
That’s beyond not OK. Ridiculous service from JotForm. We’re also using them loads and gave up solving a few issues due to poor customer service.