Would be nice to be able to use the Time Tracking Widget on the Portfolio Management Dashboard.
You are able to mirror the Time Tracking column from Projects into the Portfolio Management board. But when you add the Time Tracking Widget into the Dashboard it doesn’t pull in the individual records that I want to track the work the team are doing week on week. This can only be achieved by having a separate dashboard and manually connecting all the boards and the correct columns.
I have built a time tracking solution on portfolio boards for my team internally. I am happy to walk you through the same if you are interested. Drop me a message of you’d like to shedule a call to discuss further.
Hi @Shamika_Khedkar that would be great i’m new to the Monday.com community and couldn’t see a way to message you directly.
@Simon.Jones_Vivantio & @Shamika_Khedkar is there a fix for this? I’m working on this for a client and having trouble finding the right solution.