(Mish P)
January 13, 2025, 9:46am
It’s been talked about a lot already, but there needs to be a way to import emails either prior to implementing Monday.com and/or be able to forward an email to Monday.com and have it aumatically attach to the contact with the correct timestamp. It’s very frustrating that this obvious feature doesn’t exist.
Hi everyone.
New to Monday and trying to add some email history to the contacts I have just added.
I have email integration working fine for anything new occurring but I really need to have the email trails for those contacts as well - otherewise the context of the current new emails is lost!
I have had a really good look around here, and elsewhere and can’t find anything mentioning adding pre-existing emails to contacts.
Hope there is someone out there with an idea as to how this can be don…
Hello, I’m seeking guidance on the procedure for adding a past email to a contact or lead. I would greatly appreciate assistance with this process. Thank you in advance.
Hi Bianca,
Thank you very much for your reply.
Hopefully in the future this will change.
My wishes for a wonderful day.
I found out that the old emails which was received before the monday CRM payment cannot be synced. This is very crucial for some company who doesn’t want to lose the communication history with the customer. I hope this feature soon be developed!!
I am looking for a way to add specific emails from Outlook into Monday Sales CRM. I don’t wish to sync my inbox because I don’t want every email to be transferred over as not all emails will be relevant to the work. In other CRMs I’ve used in the past, there’s always been an app/plug-in available that you can add to Outlook which shows up on every email exchange which allows you to click it and sync that particular email to the corresponding account/contact in the CRM.
I’m also looking to do th…
I receive my emails in outlook. Some of them I want to attach to a contact or item in Monday.com . I can do that by looking up the unique email adress in Monday.
Question: since each contact in Monday has already an email adress, is there an automated way that reads the incoming email and attaches it to the contact with the right email adress?
Thanks for any help