General Caster is here. Get rid of formula columns!

Hey @rob,

thank you very much, but the formula does not work: Genera Caster Formula Error: Wrong number of arguments for Workday() function: 1 given, between 2 and 3 expected :frowning:

TEXT(WORKDAY({item.date4}, {item.numbers}), “yyyy-mm-dd”)


Yes, this formula: TEXT(WORKDAY({item.date4}, {item.numbers}), “yyyy-mm-dd”) does not work. Formula Error.

Please make sure you are using the correct double quotes.
This forum replaces straight quotes with diagonal ones.

TEXT(WORKDAY({item.date4}, {item.numbers}), "yyyy-mm-dd")

I @rob, I also have a problem with my formula that was working with “existing formula”.
Here it is : I want to know the number of status set to “Thoissey”. The number colunm give me “NaN” result …
SUM(IF({Marjorie A.}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Emilie M.}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Manon T.}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Agnès C.}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Marion B}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Claire T.}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Sonia S.}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Thomas D.}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Léa D}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Laureen LA}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Frédéric D}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Emilie D}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Bruno A}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({François D}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Emilie B}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Amélie B}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Sabina D}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Fanny M}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Caroline B}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Baptiste R}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Samantha L}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Sarah L}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Michael M}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Marine J}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Cyril N}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Nina M}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Marie S}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Catherine C}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Jean G}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Anne D}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Marion B}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Coralie R}=“Thoissey”,1,0),IF({Valérie I}=“Thoissey”,1,0))

Hey @marianne
As already said, “perform existing formula” integration is now gone.
You need to convert it into a “perform formula” integration and update column references accordingly.

1 Like

Yes, I read that “perform existing formulas” is gone, that’s why I am trying to recreate my formula with a “perform formula” and the link you gave on the excel syntax.
But it is not working… :face_with_head_bandage:

Hi Rob,

Struggling with an existing formula again. I get an error with this formula, I’m trying to get the result into a date column.



Hey @WTagreen
I’ve already said that there are some differences between syntax used in Formula column (and used in first GC version) and the one used in this new version of GC.
It’s now Microsoft Excel syntax.
FORMAT_DATE and SUBTRACT_DAYS functions don’t exist.
Try using the following formula.

TEXT(DATEVALUE({item.date4}) - {item.numbers} * 7, "YYYY-MM-DD")

Note that {date4} is not a valid column reference, use {item.date4} or whatever the integration writes when you click on the corresponding column button in formula composer.

Hi Rob,

Appreciate your help on that one :slight_smile:

I have used this formula but it didn’t work well
TEXT(WORKDAY({item.date4}, 3), "yyyy-mm-dd")
In the above situation,if you choose the day on Wednesday, it will be calculated correctly to next Monday, but if you choose a day on Thursday or Friday, it will continue to be on next Monday instead of next Tuesday or next Wednesday

Hey @floor10px
I guess it depends on how WORKDAY function works.
New General Caster version uses official Microsoft Excel formula syntax.

I have reference to the formula of Excel and the one you provided
So is it possible that a bug caused a calculation error?

Thanks for your feedback.
We will take a look at the problem you reported.

I confirm it’s a bug. It will be fixed soon.

Thanks Rob, look forward to your good news


why, when I want the name of the board, “=” appears as a result?


Hei @Jiri
Please try again.
We have added support to both Group name and Board name.

Now works. Great.

Thanks :grinning:

@rob do you have any updates on this? or know of a way that we could use value of the sum/max/etc… of an entire column of a group to use in charts for measuring purposes?
