Internal-Only Comments

Any chance this will be added to monday’s roadmap. Looks like there are two threads going on the same topic, Internal-Only Comments - #14 by Kristinemd13.

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Are you having trouble installing it?

Yes, it first appears to be installed, but then I can’t locate it to add it to our board.

Try to reinstall it, also, it should appear in the “Add View” section.

Hi @Yoggie - What’s the time table for getting your Private Notes app in the monday Apps Marketplace? We have several clients who would be interested but due to security concerns, only approved Marketplace apps may be installed in their accounts.

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Hi @PolishedGeek !

Same answer :upside_down_face:

I still can’t seem to find the app once it’s installed. I’m not even sure if it provides the functionality I need. Would you be able to provide some info about what it does? Is it permissions based notes?

Hi @Kristinemd13 !

Yes it’s permissions based notes for your board items. You’d be able to add it as a view and control who can see and edit notes.

I don’t know why you can’t find it after installation, one thing I’ve notices it your screenshot says “item Views Center” whereas on other Monday account’s I’ve seen it suppose to be under “Views Center”.

You can contact me at if you need further assistance.

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Hi @Yoggie, I tried your app and it’s great! Is it only available in board view? I tried to add it as an item view and I don’t see the app from there after I installed.

Hi @paulronolo !
Not sure what you mean.

This is what we end up doing. Basically, we are having to work twice.

Dealing with this RIGHT now…my team defaults to Slack for proofing because we don’t want our programming units to see all the behind-the-scenes work. (Units are added to the boards so they can see what we’re working on for them - dashboards and boards). As the manager, I do NOT want the proofing process to happen outside monday as we lose the history/development/thought behind our decisions, but need to provide some transparency with our units. Rock - meet Hard Place.

Column permissions won’t help at all. It’s the Update section that needs to be filtered by audience.

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We are happy to introduce the Private Notes and Comments app. That you can keep private notes and internal-only comments under the item view.
You can install the app via link: Where Teams Get Work Done
You can install the app via Marketplace by Searching Private Notes and Comments

@Kristinemd13 @mcdonasa @CareyLibrary @paulronolo @zensystems @tara @Vikram @johan.n @btaylor76 @GRoss
We are happy to introduce the Private Notes and Comments app. That you can keep private notes and internal-only comments under the item view.
You can install the app via link: Where Teams Get Work Done


@tcmarimosa @nicolaspratt @Video.Company @MrK @scottrichins @paul.whitaker @StephTurf
You can take a look our new Private Notes and Comments app for this features.
Private Notes and Comments

We have achieved this by creating a long text field in Card Details section and giving the permission to that field to board members only

I am happy to share that this request is on our upcoming roadmap! We will be adding a view permissions based on roles for update. While there is not an exact timeline available yet, this is expected in the near future. Stay tuned!

Read more about our feature request process here and how your votes help us decide what to work on next.


Hi @Julietteb any updates?

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Hello @Julietteb
Do you have informations about this feature?
Thank you