Parent timeline syncs with subtask timeline


I would like to make a timeline column of the parent task be linked and changed by the earliest and latest of the subitems timeline column? Note: the option to show a summary column, is just a mirror column, and you cant use this for dependencies so doesn’t help us. Any suggestions on how to work aroudn this?

Well, I was going to suggest the summary method, but yeah if the the lack of dependency functionality is an issue for you, then that won’t work. I’ve got another thread tied to just straight up asking for Dependency Automation to work with subitems over here, but I’m adding a vote to yours as well since it’s another approach to resolving some of the underlying issues I’m seeing.

@GavinPowell You would need to heavily promote your request by participating on the community because just 2 Votes is not going to make this happen

I would also really appreciate this feature! Thanks for creating this request!

This feature is essential and should be made native ASAP…

Hey @Admeirel, @abby

We developed an app called subitem automations that’s solves most of subitem dependency use cases. Here are a few examples →

You can either make sure that the timeline of the parent item adjust to fit the timeline of its subitems →

Or make sure that the subitems fit into the parent item →

Or a simple rollup →

There are many other options but I hope this delivers the essence across.

You can find it in the marketplace in the platform or here - Subitem Automations - Marketplace

Hope that helps!