Recurring/repeating tasks

@monday-moderators This feature request could really use an update.

The approach from Monday so far has generally been to advise users on how each specific use case is possible with automation. This is often (not always) true, but it misses the point.

Our main point is that it is extremely frustrating to try to make things work via automation, and requires far too much thought & extra steps & accounting for edge cases, just to mimic an extremely basic use case that almost every organisation will encounter.

For example, say I have a group labelled Garden Maintenance, all the tasks being weekly. Suddenly, a new task arises — I want to restock our fertiliser supplies every 10 weeks. What are some of my options?

  • Create a new Recurrence column and fill in and/or verify this for every task from then on, plus make 2-3 automations (if not 20, depending on complexity) to shift them around

  • Create an entirely new Group for non-weekly tasks and set up all necessary automations, charts, etc. to include it as well, even if only one task sits in it

  • Leave things as is but rework all my views of that board to account for this one task — e.g. I may have never needed to sort or filter by due date for all my weekly tasks to display them in priority order (they’re all due at the same time!), but now I do.

And so on.

Again, the theme here is - simply walks through how it is POSSIBLE to make tasks recurring under the existing system, but overlooks how many steps & how much thought is required to implement this, with each new automation potentially introducing error elsewhere.

Dealing with recurring tasks is so, so common that the current system introduces a ton of friction. Please give us something better, even if it’s janky at first.