Support User Permissions for plans under Enterprise

Making sure this doesn’t get lost - this is a must needed feature please


We need this feature for PRO accounts.


Still desperately needing this.


Still hope this is being worked on. We are at the point in our account where we have 40+ licenses. The PRO plan still offers everything we need with 40 users except advanced permissions. This isn’t worth upgrading to enterprise for.


The need for this has not gone away. This thread is going on two years asking for this, but is beyond quiet. Maybe nobody is proving any explanation or feedback because the answer will always be no.

I’m guessing will never happen :frowning:


We still need this feature for PRO plans.


Agreed. Still a major need for us.


I think we all need to escalate this issue to the head of product. Email support and ask to speak with them. If they continue to ignore us, then it is clear that SMB are not valued as customers.


I need to jump on the bandwagon here. With the Pro plan, security is virtually non-existent. Externally, log in once and for the rest of your computers life, you can get in with no password. You cant do that at the local library as it logs you off due to inactivity. Internally, you have a choice of Super admin, read only or some security where you can delete columns, items, etc. That doesnt help. We need deeper levels. Monday is a great product but it seems that more time is spent on making animated icons than basic security. thank you!

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Agree automatic logouts is a must. I don’t know many other systems which allow for sessions to continue indefinitely. It needs updating, even if it’s optional, I would certainly want it enabled for my team to improve security.

Bumping and fully supporting this as well.

I just had an employee see personal information on another workspace that I run.

This doesn’t seem in line with any other platforms I’ve used before, and should be a baseline for security and privacy.

Please change asap.

We would love to assign different levels of permissions to users on each board (or by folder would be even better).

On each board (or all boards within a folder), instead of assigning a board permission that applies to all users it would be awesome if we can assign the permission level in the Add Team Members popup in the same way you assign Ownership of the board.

We are currently awkwardly sort of getting around this by using the “Edit rows assigned to them in the Editing Permissions column” setting on the Board Permissions. However, the big drawback to this is that the users we would like to be using the Edit Content permission level are instead using the “Edit rows assigned” permission and they can not create any new pulses or move pulses between groups or boards.

To try to get around that we are creating extra ‘To Be Assigned’ pulses and are using an automation that assigns the users we want to edit content to each new pulse as they are added to the boards.

Having the ability to add permission level by user would be such a step forward for us and remove these awkward workflows.

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Yeah, I really need permissions that prevent someone from exporting the board.


Keeping all boards with the same permission settings for all projects is quite a hassle. User permissions per folder (effecting all boards within the folder) would be perfect.

A matrix of the permissions per subject would do the job

Use case: as a product owner I want to setup 4 or 5 boards in a folder and want to be able to adjust all the permission settings for all the boards and its users at once, so I am sure all the setting are done right for all the boards


I’d love to see that in Monday.

Granular permissions are an essential feature in team environments.


I would love there should be more User Permission settings, for example, I should be able to control in which group a Pulse should be [use case: when something comes into the board it’s under a group called “Unassigned”, once I assign it (which that column is locked for edit) I move it to Scheduled Tasks].

Also, the order (sort) in the group itself would be great to have an option to have it locked [use case: when I move something from unassigned to scheduled it goes to the bottom of the list and employes take from top of list down, so if the sort can be modified then it can be moved around and jump the line {part of this would be that when someone sorts the board on a column I cant sort it back based on what was added first and since this is the sort it should be I’m stuk}]

I understand that it can get a little complex with so many Permission options but maybe make it as an optional add-on “Additional Permission Set”

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Can the Creation Log column provide you with the sorting you need here? I’ve used that successfully in the past to sort board entries based on when they were added to a board.

In moving items between groups, have you automated this based on a status change?

Going beyond that, I’ve previously managed some permission challenges by moving an item to an “Active” or “Working” board.

Not sure if any of the above helps with what you are trying to achieve, but thought that these options were worth flagging.

Thanks Snicho.

Since I’m not sorting by creation date rather by when something was assigned (sometimes its a priority) this workaround doesn’t work, also that’s a reason why I would like to be able to control moving between groups.

It would also be super helpful is we could allow certain users to see the columns we designate for their viewing and/or editing, but turn off/on permissions to view updates/info boxes associated with pulses. This would be HUGE for my team!!