What do you use monday.com for? Share your monday story with other community members!

Hey guys,

So many of you are using monday.com in your own unique way. There are people from hundreds of different industries here but sometimes boards and workflows might be relevant for other community members. This is one of the coolest parts of this community—giving you more ideas for how to get more from the platform!

So, what do you use monday.com for? Share your use case here and include screenshots of your boards to help other people learn from you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

If you’re looking for a specific use case or workflow and you’re not sure where to start, why not ask other members for their help here?

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Our team uses Monday.com for internal department requests. We are a team that work on system functionalities and reporting. We used to get bombarded with emails, conversations and IMs for numerous requests, a lot of which used to get forgotten about. Now we have individual boards for the different teams in our department and use the Guest functionality to not only keep track of requests but provide visibility to the teams that put them in!

Hey @rpandya,

Thanks for sharing that and sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

Would you share your boards and how you use monday.com as a separate topic here, with screenshots of your boards, any automations you find relevant and any other cool features which help you manage your requests better?

That would be super awesome! :slight_smile:


One of the ways we use Monday.com as a remote team, is to plan our Marketing endeavours.

What we’ve done is set up a board called Content Calendar, then created a Group for each item (eg. Social posts, blog posts, podcast episodes, etc.). Each task has a time allocated to it for internal planning, as well as a date so that we know when it is due.

Then, I’ve integrated my Google calendar with the date and date range columns, and check my calendar each day for the items I need to handle for that day.

We also toggle the Calendar view on Monday.com to see each type of item due a month ahead of time, all colour-coded.

Thanks for sharing @sharne_hi5!

Could you open a new topic in this category and give more information including a screenshot of your board, any automations you use etc.?

You can copy paste the text above just want to make sure people discover your sharing and by doing that, you’ll be in with a chance to win some cool swag :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: How lastminute.com uses monday.com

We have small gas installation company in Turkey.We are operating entire progress in Monday with ease.Our work capacity increased %300 compared to last year.We have lots of boards for different tasks.I made a video how we calculate the cost of the project with forms and how we bid the customer within 5 minutes.

Our masterboard

My control screen

Whatever is writed in the proposal form will show up in my shipment board.Thanks to this board,my mind isn’t busy what and how much item is required and where to buy.


Our non-profit initiative utilizes Monday.com for managing clients, coordinating volunteers and staff, overseeing grant administration, and streamlining processes through automation.