All you need to know about our new Feature Request process

Welcome to the feature request part of our community! This is your opportunity to get involved in our development process. Share and vote on features you would like to see implemented in the platform so we can build a roadmap together that best reflects your needs.

How do you submit a feature request?
First, check if your idea already exists in the "feature request" category and vote on that topic. That way, our team can see which features are most requested. You can use the search function on the top right or use the different filters to see the different ideas that have already been shared. Every month, you have 25 votes to use on your favorite feature. Use them wisely!

If you have an idea that does not already exist in the category, submit a new feature request by clicking on “start a discussion” on the top right corner the screen. When submitting your request Make sure to be clear, concise, and utilize tags (2-3) so that others can easily find and vote for your request.

When will you see an update on you request?
Every quarter the Product team reviews the requests with the most votes in each category and provides a status update so you know where requests stand on the roadmap.

You will see status updates labeled like this:
On roadmap - This feature is already in the works and will be released in the near future.

Long-term roadmap - We are in the early stages of developing this feature, but at the moment do not have an exact release date. Once we have an exact release date we will update this status.

Under consideration - We understand the need for this feature and are considering adding it to the future roadmap. At the moment, we still don’t have a definite date of when this feature will be available.

Currently not on roadmap - At the moment, we are unable to add this feature to our upcoming roadmap.

Released - The item has been released and is ready for you to use!

Start voting now and make sure to turn on notifications for the features that you want to receive updates about.

Watch below to see the feature request process in action:

Please note: there may be changes to our roadmap due to evolving priorities and team capacity. If there are changes to the status of your request we will also make sure to update the status here in the community.

Happy voting!

Is there a way to flag spam responses on the community? I was looking for this feature and the last response is someone promoting their unrelated app.


I’d like to make a feature suggestion, but I’m not able to. The button is greyed out and states that I don’t have the ability to start a discussion here. Any help would be appreciated. I was pointed in this direction by Customer Support. Thank you!